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Фитнес-центр в Измайлово
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Чемпионат Польши IBK 16.04.11

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Теги IBK

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Чемпионат Польши по Кёкусин IBK, совмещенный с "Кубком Блюминга" по К-1 и ММА.

г.Познань, Польша

16 апреля 2011 года






Polish Championship Kyokushin Budo Kai



Kumite knockdown rules


Fighters Age:

 Junior: 16-18 years

Senior: +18 years


Obligatory dressing:

White, clean gi


 Each fight has one referee on tatami and 4 corner judges.

Fighter wins if gets 1 x  IPPON or 2 x WAZARI.

WAZARI is granted for any allowed hand or kick technique, which impressed the opponent.

IPPON is granted for a pure kick to the opponent's head (juniors) or any other technique disallowing the opponent to continue fight for 10 seconds.

Any fighter may disqualified for avoiding the fight, unsportly behaviour or not showing by the tatami 15 seconds after announcing his name.

No protest will be considered.



Allowed techniques:

- all kicks chudan and gedan,

- around kicks to the head,

- hand hits to  chudan,

- sharp  pulling by gi (1 second).


Disallowed techniques:

- kicks and hits to knee, groin, neck,

- frontal kicks to the head,

- hiza geri jodan ,

- hand hits to the head,

- hits and kicks to backspin, back of the head, neck and knees.



Bout time:

Elimination phase- 2 min, extra time- 2 min.,

Finals- 2 min, extra time I - 2 min., extra time II (encho-sen) - 2 min.



Weight categories:

Juniors boys  -60kg, -70kg, +70kg

Junior girls  -55kg, +55kg



Obligatory protectors

-          teeth, shinpad+foot

-          men-groin, women-breasts (cannot cover the solar plexus or ribbons)


Allowed protectors:

- Women - groin

- helmet




Allowed techniques:

- frontal kicks to the head

- hiza geri jodan (without pulling)

- all kicks chudan and gedan

- hand hits to chudan

- sharp  pulling by gi (1 second))


Disallowed techniques:

- kicks and hits to knee, groin, neck, back of the head, bakcspin

- hand hits to the head.



Bout time:

Elimination phase- 3 min, extra time- 2 min.,

Finals- 3 min, extra time I - 2 min., extra time II (encho-sen) - 2 min.



Weight categories:

Senior men  -70kg, -80kg, +80kg

Senior women  -62kg, +62kg



Obligatory protectors:

-          teeth

-          men-groin, women-breasts (cannot cover the solar plexus or ribbons)



Allowed protectors:

- Women - groin




Jon Bluming Cup

 Kyokushin Budo Kai



K1 (senior)


Fighters are earlier selected according to weight and experience. Only one fight for each fighters takes place.



Allowed techniques:

- hits and kicks to the head

- all kicks and hits chudan and gedan



Disallowed techniques:

- hiji jodan

- hits and kicks to backspin, back of the head, neck and knees.



Bout time:

2 x 3 min.

Fighters wins if opponent is hit by allowed technique and cannot continue fight for 10 seconds, or by submission or by referee appointee.



Obligatory protectors:

-          teeth

-          gloves  min. 12oz

-          Men-groin, Women-breasts (cannot cover the solar plexus or ribbons)


Allowed protectors:

- Women - groin


Obligatory dressing:

Short or long sport trousers


MMA (senior)


Fighters are earlier selected according to weight and experience. Only one fight for each fighter takes place.



Allowed techniques:

- hits and kicks to the head

- all kicks and hits chudan and gedan

- throws, undercuts, levers, constrictions.



Disallowed techniques:

- hiji jodan.

- biting

- hits and kicks to backspin, back of the head, neck and knees..




Bout time:

2x 5 min.

Fighters wins if opponent is hit by allowed technique and cannot continue fight for 10 seconds, or by submission or by referee appointee.





Obligatory protectors:

-          teeth

-          gloves  approved by Organizer

-          Men-groin, Women-breasts (cannot cover the solar plexus or ribbons)


Allowed protectors:

- Women - groin


Obligatory dressing:

Short sport trousers


Автор фото:
Редактор: Главный_редактор
Дата публикации: 16.04.2011
Просмотров: 33634


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